Friday, June 24, 2016

Mimi's Summer Day Camp, Day SIX -- Bugs!

What fun we had on Thursday -- we started the morning with some snails and caterpillars for breakfast! 
These were pretty easy, and the girls actually ate them -- KT loves bread, and Joss loves sausage, so between the two of them, they ate eight of these!

Our first activity after breakfast was to make the syrup for our butterfly feeder.  We mixed one cup of sugar and two cups of water to make a thin syrup for our tray.  It was more then we needed, but we're saving some to add later.  
Totally supervised, Mom, I promise!
Then we cut up some fruit to layer in the tray, and I had cut up two small flowers out of a pink sponge to soak up the syrup.

We put the tray out on a tree stump near the morning glories -- hopefully the butterflies will find it soon!  We'll keep checking!

Next up, we went on a bug hunt!  The girls both had their own bug net, and we went down to our lower field in the "donkey" to look for bugs.  Grumpy was the fastest bug catcher of all of us!  Each girl also had their own box to keep any bugs they found for the day -- we agreed to let our bugs go at the end of camp day.

 Hunting bugs in the creek bed
When we got back, the girls both got some plastic bugs to sort through, and Joss had a little color matching game to play with hers match each color of bugs with the correct place on the paper - KT helped her out! She's a good junior camp counselor!

Hhmm...what color is this one?

Then it was library time!

When we got home it was lunch time -- they had a very hungry caterpillar for lunch, with bug juice to drink! 
The caterpillar were little round peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches with some raisins for feet and an apple clice head. The bug juice was lemonaide with gummy worms in it...eeewwwww!!!
But they ate EVERY SINGLE sandwich---I was amazed!

After our lunch it was rest time - Joss took her nap, and KT went with Grumpy down to our local True Value store for something he needed.  They had a good time together, and even washed the car for me.

Swim time! The water was JUST RIGHT -- cool, but warm once you got used to it.

 Joss's favorite time - Popsicle time after swimming! She always asks for a purple Popsicle.
We let the bugs go at the end of the day.  Whew, we are all tired after a full day of camp.
Next week -- it's all about rocks!

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